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  • FAQs

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    What is a clinical neuropsychologist?

    A clinical neuropsychologist is a licensed psychologist with expertise in how behavior and skills are related to brain structures and systems.

    What is a neuropsychological evaluation?

    A typical neuropsychological evaluation involves paper pencil tests and computer test among others. We will assess different areas including:

    • General intellect
    • Higher level executive skills (e.g., sequencing, reasoning, problem solving)
    • Attention and concentration
    • Learning and memory
    • Language
    • Visual–spatial skills (e.g., perception)
    • Motor and sensory skills
    • Mood and personality

    Some abilities may be measured in more detail than others, depending on your needs.

    What to expect?

    A neuropsychological evaluation usually consists of an interview and testing. Testing involves taking paper-and- pencil or computerized tests and answering questions. The time required depends on the problem being assessed. In general, several hours are needed to assess the many skills involved in processing information.

    You will most likely find testing interesting.

    What to bring the day of the evaluation?

    • List of medications
    • Glasses and/or hearing aids
    • A light jacket
    • Snack and water


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